Sunday, April 19, 2009

Welcome to AllMyEnglish!

This Blog was created by Carla Antunes and Juliana Ribeiro, both English students at UFPEL University (
The great idea of creating this virtual space came from Professor Rafael Vetromille, English III teacher, as part of this subject’s evaluation. Each Blog is owned by two students who will have the responsibility of writing (posting) an article, in English language, about any subject of their interest in every 2 weeks.
The brand new owners of this newborn Brazilian babyblog are full of great expectations. We hope to finish this assignment in the end of the semester finding ourselves with much more experience on Writing in this idiom which we wish so much to dominate as if it was our own natural language. Hopefully, we will discover good writers among us in the way. Who knows?!

Oh! And we also hope we get 2 full points for this.

What will we talk about? Any subject we feel like and sometimes even about English. We hope you find some of the articles useful and interesting.

If you like it, feel free to leave us a comment.

And if you are one of Rafael’s students, leave a comment anyway... You know you have to ;)

We wish Good Luck and a lot of inspiration to all of the other students!

Let’s get to work people!

Enjoy! ;)
Some of the other Blogs are listed below:
Alejandro and Bianca´s:
Juliana and Priscila´s:


  1. Hello girls!!
    I loved the text!!
    Kisses and Good Luck in the semester!! :)

  2. Hi girls!
    Our link is correct, but the names are wrong,
    is by Juliana and Priscila,
    not Júlia and Nathielen,ok?
    Kisses, and see you soon!

  3. Hey girls!
    Our blog, mine and Nathielen's, is :)
    Nice text! It was a great idea to put the links. Kisses!

  4. Hi you all (specially Juliana and Carla)!

    I'll think about those two full points, okay? ;)

    See you!
